Blog: 2020 MSCI Carbon Conference

2020 MSCI Carbon Conference

Our CareGo Commercial team had the pleasure of attending the Metals Service Center Institute Conference a few weeks ago in Sunny Orlando, Florida. During their time there they had the opportunity to attend talks on the state of the steel industry, the North American steel service center market and challenges facing Steel Service Centers from Elizabeth Rust, Paul Lowrey and William Strauss.  In addition, Jeffery Alpert delivered an interesting talk on AI and specifically the criteria for success with an AI project.  There were many good lessons learnt here which would apply to many large technology projects including, Industry 4.0, Automation, Big Data, AI etc. The Key points we found of importance were:

  • Start with a problem, not a solution
  • Collaborative man + machine is more powerful that man or machine alone
  • Start small and build through manageable chunks

In our experience in the industry we could not agree more with Jeffery Alpert’s view, that one needs to start with a problem, not a solution. We have discovered that the power in a significant number of large-scale technology projects points to this fact, start with a problem but not a pre-determined solution. If you use both men and machine to tackle the problem, the solution can be transformational and that is the goal for large scale technology projects.  At CareGo we always try to work with our clients to help determine the end goal of each project, then depending on the endeavor, a company can choose to start small and build the project in manageable chunks. Doing so will help utilize the return of investment at each step of the process.  Digitization is here and is changing the way we do business.

For more information on CareGo and digitization, click here.

For more information on MSCI, click here.

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